About us

About Us

At Herbal Products Store LTD, we're passionate about nature's gifts and their remarkable potential to enhance our lives. Since our humble beginnings, we've dedicated ourselves to sourcing and offering the finest herbal products, bringing the power of nature right to your doorstep.

Our Journey

Our story started locally in Sri Lanka in 2017, where we began as a small shop, serving our community with an array of pure, natural, and organic products, with a particular focus on herbal teas, coffee, and other delightful treasures. Our mission was straightforward: to provide the freshest and healthiest options, showcasing the beauty and benefits of nature's own pantry.

In 2020, inspired by the global shift towards online shopping, we decided to expand our horizons. We launched our online store to cater to a wider audience, enabling us to share our passion for natural goodness with customers around the world.

Our Commitment

At the heart of our operation is a deep-rooted commitment to quality and sustainability. We've made it our mission to carefully curate our range of herbal products, prioritizing sustainably sourced, ethically produced goods that reflect the very essence of nature.

Our four warehouses strategically located in Sri Lanka, the UK, the USA, and China ensure that your orders are delivered with care and efficiency. We bring you the best of the world's herbal offerings, with a focus on impeccable taste, invigorating aromas, and potential health benefits.

What We Offer

Explore our extensive selection of herbal treasures, ranging from soothing teas that transport you to tranquility to invigorating coffees that awaken your senses. Our collection is a testament to our passion for purity, health, and the environment. Every product we offer, be it a soothing cup of herbal tea or a bag of aromatic coffee beans, is chosen with the utmost care to ensure that your experience is nothing short of exceptional.

Join Us

From our inception to our current global presence, our dedication remains the same: to provide you with pure, natural, and organic products that celebrate the essence of nature. We invite you to join us in discovering the wonders of the herbal world and to experience the revitalizing power of our carefully curated products.

Welcome to Herbal Products Store, where nature's bounty is at your fingertips.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Warm regards, Kalana Sathsara De Alwis Founder, Herbal Products Store LTD